Minecraft Education Edition is a game that has been teaching students around the world the importance of digital citizenship and collaboration. But as a game, Minecraft Education Edition can also be a platform for serious educational purposes. Specifically, its Java version is designed to teach users Java programming language and practices. And if you’re looking to play around with it or get serious in the lessons ahead, here’s how you get your hands on this world-class learning tool.

Step One: Download the Software

Before you can start playing with the Java version of Minecraft Education Edition, you need to install the software. You can download it from the official Minecraft Education Edition website. All you need to do is select your device and operating system and click the “download” button to get the installer.

Step Two: Install the Software

Once you’ve downloaded the software, all that’s left for you to do is install it on your device. To do this, run the installer file you just downloaded, follow the instructions, and wait for the installation to complete. After that, you should be ready to start playing with the Java version of Minecraft Education Edition.

Step Three: Get a Subscription

The last step is to get a subscription in order to access the Java version of Minecraft Education Edition. Fortunately, you can sign up for a free trial so you can fully test out the software. You’ll be asked to provide valid information and create a profile before you can access the official servers.

Start Your Java Programming Education with Minecraft Education Edition

Now that you know how to get Minecraft Education Edition Java, it’s time to get creative and have some fun with the game. From exploring the Java programming language to improving collaboration and problem-solving skills, you can do a lot of amazing things with the game. So what are you waiting for? Unleash your inner geek and get ready to learn something new with Minecraft Education Edition Java!

What is the difference between Minecraft Education Edition and Minecraft Java?

The main difference between Minecraft Education Edition and Minecraft Java is the focus of the game. Minecraft Education Edition is designed for teaching and learning in the classroom, with features such as Code Builder and Classroom Mode. Minecraft Java is the original version of the game, which does not have those features. Minecraft Education Edition also includes custom content, such as educational lesson plans, special characters and items, and additional coding lessons.

What is the cost of Minecraft Education Edition?

The Minecraft: Education Edition is available for purchase for a one-time cost of $5.00 USD per user. You can purchase up to 25 students or teachers for an additional $20.00 USD. A non-commercial version is also available for free.

What is the difference between Minecraft Education Edition and regular Minecraft?

Minecraft Education Edition is a special version of Minecraft specifically tailored for educational use in the classroom. It includes features that enable educators to use the game as a teaching tool. Features include the ability to easily create worlds, rewards for completing tasks, multiplayer servers, and access to game content libraries. Regular Minecraft is the classic version of the game with hundreds of millions of players. It is the original sandbox building game, with no specific educational features built into it.


Q: How do you get Minecraft Education Edition Java?

A: Minecraft Education Edition Java can be purchased directly from the customer-facing Microsoft Store for Education.

Q: Is there a trial version of Minecraft Education Edition Java?

A: Yes, a free trial version can be downloaded directly from the Microsoft store.

Q: Is there customer support for issues related to Minecraft Education Edition Java?

A: Yes, customer support is available through the Microsoft store support team.