Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Guide to Unbanning Yourself
  3. Contacting Snapchat Support
  4. Filing a Complaint Through the BBB
  5. Preventing Future Bans
  6. Frequently Asked Questions


Discovering your Snapchat account has been banned can be unsettling. Whether due to a misunderstanding or a violation of Snapchat’s Community Guidelines, there’s a pathway to recover your account. This guide will navigate you through the steps to regain access and how to avoid future bans.

Quick Guide to Unbanning Yourself

  • Verify the reason behind your Snapchat ban.
  • Reach out to Snapchat Support for help.
  • File a complaint with the BBB if necessary.

Contacting Snapchat Support

Initially, you should contact Snapchat’s support team. Navigate through the support page, select “I can’t access my account,” then “My account is locked,” and follow the provided instructions. Ensure you have your account details ready.

Contacting Snapchat Support

Snapchat Support Selection

Provide detailed information when filling out the contact form to expedite the process.

Snapchat Contact Form

Snapchat’s support team will respond with further instructions.

Snapchat Support Response

Filing a Complaint Through the BBB

If direct support does not resolve your issue, consider filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). This approach can sometimes prompt a more formal review of your case.

BBB Complaint Page

Select “File a complaint” on the BBB’s website and follow the instructions to submit your case.

Filing Complaint on BBB

Provide all necessary details about your Snapchat account issue in the complaint form.

Detailing Complaint on BBB

The BBB will contact you via email with any updates on your complaint.

BBB Email Response

Preventing Future Bans

To ensure your account remains active, familiarize yourself with and adhere to Snapchat’s Community Guidelines. Avoid activities that could be perceived as violations, such as sharing prohibited content or engaging in harassment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was my account banned?

Accounts may be banned for violations such as harassment, bullying, explicit content, or participation in prohibited activities.

What types of Snapchat bans are there?

Snapchat may issue temporary, device, or permanent bans depending on the violation’s severity.

Can I reactivate my Snapchat account after 30 days?

Yes, if you’ve deactivated your account, you have 30 days to reactivate it.

How do I know if I’m blocked on Snapchat?

If you can’t find a user or your messages aren’t delivered, you might be blocked.

Beat the Ban

Understanding why your Snapchat account was banned is the first step towards recovery. By engaging with Snapchat Support, filing a complaint with the BBB if necessary, and adhering to community guidelines, you can work towards having your account reinstated and prevent future bans.

Have you successfully recovered your banned Snapchat account? Share your experience and any tips in the comments below.