It’s the question on everyone’s lips: Will hardcore mode ever be added to Bedrock? First of all, what exactly is hardcore mode? Hardcore mode is a difficult variant of any video game, in which the player’s character can be permanently killed. It’s often used as a challenge for experienced players, as it allows them to experience the game in a much tougher way.

What Does Bedrock Have to Say?

So, what does Bedrock have to say about the possibility of introducing hardcore mode? Unfortunately, they haven’t released any official statements, but they have hinted at the possibility of introducing a new difficulty level.

Back in February, Bedrock’s head of game development, Florence Mottès, said that the team were looking into adding a new difficulty level, which seemed to suggest that there was a good chance of hardcore mode being included.

In a recent interview with gaming website GameSpew, Mottès again spoke about the potential for adding a ‘more hardcore’ mode. However, this was coupled with the caveat that it wouldn’t be added in the near future, as more work still needs to be done to ensure the difficulty of the mode is balanced correctly.

Will Hardcore Mode Add to the Bedrock Experience?

The question then becomes, will hardcore mode add to the Bedrock experience? The honest answer is that we just don’t know. Hardcore mode has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many games embracing the challenge it offers players.

However, hardcore mode can be a double-edged sword; while it appeals to experienced players, it can alienate newcomers and casual players. In the worst case, it can completely ruin the game experience for these players and drive them away.

It’s also worth noting that hardcore mode requires a great deal of skill to master, and this could be a barrier for some players. This could lead to frustration, and ultimately cause them to abandon the game altogether.

The Bottom Line

So, will hardcore mode ever be added to Bedrock? At this point, we just don’t know. While Bedrock have hinted at the possibility of adding a new difficulty level, it’s still unclear how this will affect the overall gameplay experience.

Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure; hardcore mode will bring an entirely new challenge for players to overcome. Whether this challenge is embraced by gamers remains to be seen.

What is the difference between hardcore and regular Minecraft on Bedrock?

Hardcore mode is an alternate survival mode in Bedrock Edition Minecraft, where upon dying, the world is permanently locked and unplayable. Hardcore mode makes the game much more difficult as players need to be extra cautious in order to survive. In regular mode, players are able to respawn upon death, with all loot and progress maintained, making the game much easier.

What is the difference between hardcore Minecraft and regular Minecraft?

Hardcore Minecraft is an incredibly challenging game mode where players have a single life and only one chance to survive. In hardcore mode, dying results in the world being permanently deleted, and the difficulty is set to the highest level possible. In regular Minecraft, the difficulty is mutable and the consequences for death are temporary.


Q: Will hardcore ever be added to bedrock?

A: At this time, there are no plans to add hardcore mode to Bedrock.

Q: Is there an alternative to hardcore for Bedrock players?

A: Yes, some survival servers offer a “hardcore mode” that’s similar to the treacherous, permanent death mode of the Java version.

Q: What are the differences between hardcore on Java versus strange servers?

A: Hardcore on Java is harder and more unforgiving, as death is permanent, whereas in the strange servers, players are sometimes allowed a single respawn.