VLC media player is one of the most popular free multimedia applications worldwide. To enjoy the latest features, the developer recommends regularly updating the application. In this guide, we explain how to install the latest version of VLC on any platform, including Android, iOS, Mac, or Windows.

How to update VLC

Regular updates are essential for the proper functioning of your machine (computer, phone, or tablet) and the security of your data. Installing updates may take some time and effort, but it can prevent many bugs and malfunctions.

VLC Update Found

The VideoLAN association, responsible for developing the VLC media player, regularly releases updates for its application. Some add new features to your player, while others only fix security vulnerabilities.

Hackers often exploit security vulnerabilities to retrieve personal data or install viruses remotely, so it is crucial to install these patches as soon as they become available.

There are two types of updates: regular updates that optimize the application’s performance and add new features, and important or critical updates that fix security vulnerabilities that malicious actors could exploit.

If you find these updates too cumbersome, modern operating systems such as Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android offer various automatic options to make the process more manageable.

Updating on Android

To ensure that you stay protected and enjoy all the latest features, your VLC media player has a module that alerts you when a new update is available.

By default, the installation does not occur automatically, so you must check in your Android settings that the automatic update option is enabled. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Google Play Store (application store) on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Click on the Avatar button in the upper left corner (the first letter of your first name).
  3. Select the Settings section.
  4. Then click on the Network Preferences option.
  5. Click on Automatically update applications.
  6. Select one of the two options: over any network (be aware that checking this box may result in additional charges if your data plan is limited) or via Wi-Fi only. It is recommended to choose the second option, unless you have a comfortable web package (several tens of gigabytes) or never connect your smartphone to a Wi-Fi network.

VLC and all applications installed on your Android phone will automatically update when a new version of the software becomes available. By using these settings, you can be sure that your smartphone will be better protected against potential viruses circulating on the web.

Updating VLC on your PC

The VLC media player is available on many platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. In this section, we will focus on the most popular version that runs on PCs, which offers several useful features such as displaying subtitles or rotating a video taken with a smartphone.

  1. Launch the VLC application on your Windows computer.
  2. Click on the Help tab at the top of the window.
  3. Select Check for updates to see if the developer has recently released a new version of the application.
  4. If so, click Yes to accept the installation of the update.
  5. Wait a few minutes while the software downloads the latest version.
  6. Click on Install to start the installation process.
  7. A message will ask if you want to upgrade your VLC software or perform a new complete installation (which would erase your configuration settings).
  8. Choose the first option.
  9. Click Finish to open the new version of VLC.

You now know how to update your VLC media player.

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