Facebook – it’s a place that is teeming with potential traffic for your website. Given that Facebook allows up to 5,000 friends, why not use your Facebook story to divert some of these individuals to your preferred page? But the question arises, can you add a link to a Facebook story? The answer is a resounding Yes! And if you’re facing difficulty doing this, you’ve landed in the right place. This guide will walk you through the process of adding a link to your Facebook story.

Understanding Facebook Stories

First off, let’s get a grip on how Facebook Stories work. You can create and share these stories from your computer, tablet, or phone. However, we recommend using the Facebook app for this purpose, given its extra features and tools compared to the desktop version.

A Facebook story appears at the top of your friends’ or followers’ News Feed when you upload a video. These stories remain accessible for 24 hours, making them perfect for reaching your key demographic.

To be able to publish Facebook Stories on behalf of a page, you must be an administrator or author of your brand’s Facebook page. Now let’s dive into the detailed, step-by-step instructions to post a story with a link from your mobile app or desktop page.

Benefits of Adding Links to Your Story

Adding clickable hyperlinks in Facebook stories offers the advantage of improved communication with your audience. For instance, if you recently posted a YouTube video and want it to reach a wider audience, adding a hyperlink in your Facebook story can direct visitors to your video instantly. Moreover, viewers don’t need to type anything to access your content.

Including a hyperlink in your story can also help businesses boost their sales by potentially increasing the CTR (click-through rate). It’s a valuable strategy for increasing interaction, enhancing relationships with potential customers, and raising brand awareness. Now let’s explore the various methods of adding links to your Facebook story.

How to Add a Link to Your Facebook Story

Method 1: Via Instagram

Sharing a link to your Facebook Story via Instagram is straightforward but requires the Instagram app. Here’s the simple step-by-step process:

  1. Copy the desired link from your browser.
  2. Add a story on Instagram.
  3. Insert the link by pressing the chain-shaped icon at the top.
  4. Publish and share your story on Facebook.

Method 2: Via WhatsApp

Given that WhatsApp and Facebook can now interact, you can share a new WhatsApp status update to your Facebook story. Follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp on your phone.
  2. Select the pencil symbol in the Status tab at the top.
  3. Paste the copied URL into your WhatsApp status.
  4. After posting, an option to share your story will appear. Tap it.
  5. Press the “Share now” button promptly.
  6. Open the Messenger app to confirm if you successfully added a hyperlink to the Facebook story.

Method 3: Via News Feed

You can also post a hyperlink to your Facebook story directly, without needing another social media platform. Here’s how:

  1. Create a new post in the Facebook app on your smartphone.
  2. Paste the link in the box and wait for the preview to load.
  3. Once the preview loads, remove the link and post to your Newsfeed.
  4. After it’s posted, tap the “Share” icon and select “Share to your story”.

This method will create a new story on your Facebook profile with a clickable link, and you can then delete the post from your News Feed.


Knowing how to add a link to your Facebook story is a crucial skill for maximizing the visibility of your story’s content. There are multiple ways to include clickable links in your Facebook stories – via WhatsApp, Instagram, or Facebook newsfeed. Feel free to use the method that best suits your needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add a clickable link to a photo shared on Facebook?

You can easily add a link to a shared photo by copying and pasting the link into your post. An image related to the link should automatically upload to Facebook, and you can then remove the text link. The image will remain clickable.

How can I change my clickable image link on Facebook?

To adjust the clickable image and caption for posts, ensure that your business page is verified under ‘Business Settings’, ‘Brand Safety’, and ‘Domain’. After doing so, you can link your page to the specified URL from your profile.

What’s the best way to share a link in a message?

Simply write or paste the full URL into your text message. Most messaging services will automatically convert the URL into a link, allowing the recipient to visit the linked page by clicking on it.