Do you love creating Instagram Reels and want to share them on Threads? You’re in the right place! This article will guide you through two easy methods to share your Instagram Reels on Threads. Let’s dive in!

Sharing a Link to Your Reel

The first method we’ll explore is sharing a link to your Reel on Threads. This won’t post the actual video, but it will provide a clickable link that takes viewers to your Reel on Instagram. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Instagram and navigate to your profile.
  2. Tap on “Reels” and select the Reel you want to share.
  3. Look for the share icon (it looks like a little airplane) on the lower right side of the screen. Tap on it.
  4. You won’t see an option to share directly to Threads yet. First, you need to tap on “Share to.”
  5. This will open up different sharing options, including Threads. Tap on “Threads.”
  6. Now, you can add a comment to your post or just post it directly.
  7. To see your post, open Threads and refresh your feed. You’ll see a thumbnail of your Reel. When someone taps on it, they’ll be taken to Instagram to watch your Reel.

Posting Your Reel Directly on Threads

The second method is to post your Reel directly on Threads. This will share the actual video, not just a link. Here’s how:

  1. Go back to your Reel on Instagram and tap on the share icon again.
  2. This time, choose “Download.” This will save your Reel to your device’s photos and videos.
  3. Open Threads and create a new post.
  4. Tap on the upload icon and select the video you just downloaded.
  5. Now, you can post your Reel as a video on Threads!

And that’s it! Now you know two different ways to share your Instagram Reels on Threads. Whether you want to link to your Reel or post the video directly, the choice is yours. Happy sharing!