Threads is the best social media platform for discovering new things and staying in touch with the people you love and the topics that interest you. Threads lets you share thoughts and information in real time, bringing people together around the world like never before.

Many use Threads only to read, while others use it to communicate their thoughts. For example, professional tennis player Serena Williams uses Threads to keep up to date with the latest from Green Day, her favorite band.

While Snoop Dog, the rapper, enjoys getting baking tips from Martha Stewart’s daily recipes when he wakes up in the morning. These are celebrities whose profiles are easily accessible. But what about accounts that are private?

Quick answer: The safest way to check private Threads accounts is to follow them. Unfortunately, your request may not be accepted. If so, you can try using Google search if the Threads were cached. The last method is to create a fake Threads account of someone the target would follow. But remember that this is against Threads community standards.

Here is a detailed guide on how to view private Threads accounts.

Threads privacy policy

Threads is an application that allows you to protect your privacy and therefore manage your data. A private Threads account is similar to a private Facebook page, limiting who can see your posts to your friends (or selected people).

You may want to create an account to connect privately with just a few of your close friends and relatives. In this case, it is in your best interest to use a personal account.

Easy and convenient privacy options on Threads allow you to control who can see your Threads account and what they can see.

How to see private Threads accounts?

This article offers you three methods to consult private Threads accounts.

Method 1: Follow a private account

Since Threads’s privacy policy prohibits anyone other than followers from viewing private Threads from a private account, sending a request follow-up to the data subject is the most efficient method of viewing a private Threads account (assuming the other party agrees to the request).

After sending the request, you have to wait for the person to accept it, and you can see their activities.

But there is a good chance that the person you want to follow will not accept your request. Below are some other methods you can try.

Method 2: Google search cache

If the person whose private account you want to view has their cache enabled, you can view their Threads through Google, as Google search allows cached Threads to appear on Google images.

Most people turn on Google’s cache because it makes them easier to find, helps them reach a wider audience, and gain more followers.

You can find a Thread through Google image search with a name, the location that may have been mentioned in the Thread, a keyword or any link it may have included.

Here is what you can do to consult a private account via Google:

  1. Go to the Google home page.
  2. In the search bar, type the “Threads _name_” of the person whose Threads you are looking for.Search For Threads Account On Google
  3. Select the “Images” tab to find accessible Threads or profiles.Tab “Images” on Google Search

Method 3: Create a fake account

If none of the above methods work, you can try creating a fake Threads account and ask to follow the person you are interested in.

For this method to be successful, it is best to create an account in the name of a friend of the person concerned. This greatly increases the chances of your application being accepted.

How to create a fake Threads account?

The creation of a fake Threads account is identical to that of a normal account. You just need to fill in the details with bogus information.

Here’s how to create a fake Threads account:

  1. Go to Threads in your favorite web browser.
  2. Select the option “Sign up with phone or email”.Sign Up With Phone Or Email On Threads
  3. Choose the name of your account. Remember that a good name would be someone they know. Name in Threads signup
  4. Click “Use email instead”. Use email instead registration on Threads
  5. Fill in the email address. It is recommended to create a new email address (for example, on Proton).
  6. Fill in the details and click “Follow” till the end. Follow button on Threads signup
  7. Verify your email address and click “Follow” button.

Tip: It is recommended to gather at least a few followers before asking to follow the person you are interested in. Best would be to add a few mutual friends to clear suspicion.


Is it possible to see hidden Threads on Threads?

Only your friends will be allowed to see the content of your Threads if they are protected. Remember that links to content you post in protected Threads may be downloaded or re-shared by your followers. Links to media shared on Threads are not password protected. The content will be viewable by anyone with the URL.

Is it possible to see the followers of a private account?

You can see a person’s biography, cover photo, profile picture, number of Threads, followers and likes if their Threads account is private, but you will not be able to see Threads, messages, media or photos in depth.

What does a Threads account that has been locked look like?

On Threads, the padlock symbolizes an account protected by a password. Threads from private accounts can only be viewed if you have permission. Businesses and individuals can choose to password protect their Threads to limit who can view them.

What does locking your Threads account mean?

If Threads detects suspicious activity or suspects that an account has been hacked, it may lock the account. If a Threads account is compromised or violates Threads’s rules or user agreement, it may be briefly locked or suspended.

Is it possible to search for hidden Threads accounts?

Search engines like Google do not index private Threads, and online tool services cannot store them. Private Threads can only be found by you, the Threads account manager, and your followers.

Final thoughts

So you can view private Threads by using a Google cache or by creating a fake Threads account and asking to follow the person whose Threads interest you.

But a more accessible and reliable option is to send a tracking request. This way you can view private Threads on Threads without breaking any rules.