If you are looking to boost your activity on Threads and gain more followers, creating threads is an excellent way to do so. These short and exciting videos can help increase your popularity and even get you discovered if you have a public account.

When you create Threads, one thing that might pique your curiosity is knowing who watches them. If you’re interested in knowing who has viewed your Threads, this article is for you. We will address this question in detail and provide vital information on Threads analytics.

Can you see who views your Threads?

Quick Answer: No, there’s no functionality in the Threads app that allows you to see who has viewed your Threads. However, you can gauge the engagement of a particular post by counting likes, checking reshares, and reading comments. It’s still possible to view all the users who have liked your post.

Firstly, if you have a public account and post a thread, it will likely have thousands upon thousands of views. Providing a list of all viewers could potentially create technical difficulties for Threads.

Moreover, this feature would become tedious over time. Imagine scrolling through thousands of names just to see if you can find one or two specific people who have viewed your thread.

Another factor to consider is privacy. While you might want to know who has viewed your threads, think about the reverse situation. When you browse through threads and watch one, you may not want someone to know you watched it. Protecting your identity when viewing threads is an advantage, not a disadvantage.

Although you cannot see who viewed your threads, you can see how many people have viewed them:

  1. Open the Threads app and go to the threads section.
  2. Find the thread for which you want to see the number of views.
  3. Tap on the number located under the heart-shaped icon.
  4. You will see the number of times your thread has been viewed.

In addition to this, you can indeed see a list of people who have liked or commented on your threads:

  1. Open the Threads app and go to the threads section.
  2. Find the thread for which you want to see the list of people who have liked or commented on it.
  3. To display the list of people who liked it, tap on the number located under the heart-shaped icon. To view the list of people who commented on the thread, tap on the number under the bubble.

Since there is no direct way to know who viewed your threads, you can use one of these alternatives to at least see who liked or commented on the thread, which can give you some insight. These methods are not foolproof, but they can be helpful.

Another method to see who liked or commented is to post your thread to your story. If you also share your thread in your Threads stories, you will be able to see who viewed it. Simply tap on Add the thread to your story when you finish recording it.

The following method to help you know who viewed your thread is to check the sections of the stories. In general, the first people in the section are those with whom you interact frequently. Of course, this does not mean that these people actually saw your thread, but it can give you an idea of the people most likely to have seen it.

Finally, pay attention to people who frequently like and comment on your posts and your stories. These people usually watch your threads, too.

How to check your Threads statistics

Aside from the basic statistics mentioned above, Threads has a feature called Threads Insights. This feature allows you to learn more about the trends of the threads you have posted.

You can see what your audience likes and dislikes, which threads are the most popular, etc. Threads Insights allows you to draw conclusions and tailor your strategy to attract more viewers.

Keep in mind that this option is only available on the Threads mobile app. Additionally, to: Business and Technology