The question of how many hashtags to use on Threads is a common one. To provide an answer, We first looked at the social media platform’s recommendations. We then weighed our response based on our experience and analysis of the various factors involved.

Threads Recommendations for Hashtag Strategy

Before asking how many hashtags are relevant to use on Threads, it’s important to gather information from the source and understand the platform’s recommendations.

Understanding Threads Search Ranking

In its article “Breaking Down How Threads Search Works,” the social network reveals its methods for ranking search results. After entering one or more keywords in a search query, you see a list of accounts related to your search. The toolbar at the top of the screen allows you to refine the search by selecting the type of content you’re interested in, including:

  • All results
  • Profiles
  • Music
  • Hashtags
  • Locations

Threads ranks its search results based on three parameters:

  1. Keywords: They are the primary criterion for offering results that combine hashtags, biographies, usernames, locations, and captions.
  2. Your Activity: The platform’s algorithms monitor your overall activity on Threads by tracking all your interactions. Accounts you frequently visit and those you follow will appear at the top of the results.
  3. Search Popularity: This represents the final sorting criterion. In the presence of numerous potential results, Threads relies on popularity indicators such as clicks, likes, shares, and follows for an account, hashtag, or specific location.

As a result, the same search query can yield different results for different users.

How Many Hashtags Does Threads Recommend?

To determine how many hashtags you should use on Threads, you need to consider two pieces of information from the platform itself:

  1. The maximum allowed number of hashtags on Threads is 30.
  2. Threads recommends using between 10 and 15 hashtags.

Why Use Hashtags in Your Posts?

There are several reasons to use hashtags in your Threads posts:

  1. Help Your Target Audience Find You:
    The hashtags you use help you get noticed by people interested in the topics you’re posting about. By establishing relevance, you gain new followers.
  2. Boost Engagement from Your Followers:
    Hashtags that resonate with your audience make it easier for your followers to engage with your content. Additionally, your posts associated with other posts using the same hashtags become visible to potential new followers.
  3. Share a Popular Cause:
    Hashtags allow you to address popular and unifying subjects. By showing interest in a popular cause, you generate interest and empathy, resulting in new followers.
  4. Increase Brand Awareness:
    Threads offers both instant virality and long-term brand recognition. By creating your own hashtag, you familiarize Threads users with your brand and increase your overall visibility.
  5. Streamline Your Content:
    Hashtags contextualize your posts and save you from repeating words in the text. Rather than restating your topic in the caption, your hashtag efficiently summarizes it and streamlines your writing.

How Many Hashtags Should You Use per Post on Threads?

The question of how many hashtags to include in an Threads post sparks many debates. We advise using the higher end of the platform’s recommended range, which is 15.

Quality Over Quantity

Using the maximum allowed number of 30 hashtags seems excessive to us. It’s preferable to narrow down your selection to target your audience more precisely. Aiming for a large number of visitors isn’t useful if they aren’t directly interested in your content. Keep in mind that Threads users are highly inundated, which makes them more discerning about content relevance.

Based on our various experiments and experience, we believe that 15 hashtags are perfectly suitable. This number has proven to be consistently effective in recent years.

How Many Hashtags Should You Use for a New Account on Threads?

The number of hashtags you should use on Threads depends on the quality and status of your account. If your account is new or doesn’t yet have a significant following, we recommend using the maximum allowed number of hashtags, which is 30.

Once your audience starts to grow, you can reduce the number of hashtags back to 15.

5 Best Practices to Help You Choose the Best Hashtags

Here are five additional tips to help you choose your hashtags wisely:

Conduct Keyword Research:

Don’t rush into it. Take the time to research the most relevant keywords. The obvious ones are usually the first that come to mind. Then expand your search and don’t forget to consider synonyms.

  • Use the Threads search feature to help you: Enter your keyword query and perform a search. Click on the hashtag symbol below the search bar to access a list of associated hashtags.
  • Also, observe your competitors’ hashtags to draw inspiration if their strategy proves effective.

Identify Popular Hashtags:

In addition to being relevant, your hashtags should be popular to reach your target audience. Explore each result to ensure a sufficient number of associated posts. However, avoid excessively popular hashtags, as you may become invisible among the abundance of results.

  • Make sure the posts with popular hashtags were recently published to ensure their relevance.

Include Niche Hashtags:

Niche hashtags allow you to target your audience more precisely. While the potential for gaining followers may be limited, you’ll gain engagement from a more interested and involved audience.

Use the Hashtag Sticker in Your Stories:

Threads provides a sticker for adding hashtags to your stories, which automatically increases their visibility. You can add only one hashtag sticker, but you can manually add more hashtags through the text editor. All hashtags will be clickable.

Analyze Your Performance:

Vary your hashtags and analyze their performance. This will help you determine which ones to prioritize.

Now that you know the recommended number of hashtags on Threads, it’s time to develop your strategy to determine the most effective ones.